Super Fruits

What are they? why do we call them so? Look at the list below,and you will find out.


Kiwi :
Tiny but mighty! it is a god source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. its vitamin c content is twice that of an orange.
Apple :
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? although an apple has a low vitamin C content, It has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhance the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer,heart attack and stroke.

Orange :
The sweetest medicine. taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol,prevent and dissolve kidney stones,as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer.
Strawberry :
A protective fruite, strawberry has the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits and they protect the body from cancer. 
Watermelon :
The coolest thirst quencher. 92% of it is water, but it boosts out immune system, and fights cancer. it also contains vitamin c and potassium.
Gauva & papaya :
Top awards for vitamin c - they are the clear winners for their high vitamin c content. gauva is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation. papaya is rich in carotetne, which is good for your eyes.


  • Laugh and have fun. don't be gloomy.
  • Let bygones be bygones.
  • Early to bed,early to rise, is healthy and wise.
  • Stay lean. being just 30% overweight is bad.
  • Keep working,doing something you like.
  • Be the boss of your own life.
  • Too much medicine ruins your body.
  • Exercise and eat less fatty foods.
  • Do not worry about health and death, just get on with your life and enjoy it!!

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